Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Phoenix Creation Journal #2

Time travel is a big part of my writings and as such, so are time travelers. Within the constraints of the Adventurverse, time travelers are not just people who have traveled in time. They are in fact an entirely separate species, chrono sapiens.

Chrono sapiens are not the only beings capable of surviving time travel. Both they and humans can survive being dislocated in time, and both species require special equipment in order to do so, though humans generally suffer a greater degree of physical stress during trips through the time stream.

The biggest and most universal difference between time travelers and humans though is that time travelers have an inherently unstable connection to the time stream, whereas humans have a linear, unbreakable tether to the time stream. This means that, while both species can survive time travel, only chrono sapiens can survive paradoxes. 

Time travel can put the whole of the time stream into a state of flux. As events are altered, the changes ripple outward and time instaneously rewrites itself and everything connected to it to accomadate the changes in history. Because chrono sapiens have an unstable connection to time, they don't get rewritten if history does. 

The next big difference is that time travelers often, with the aid of future technology, manifest time manipulation powers that vary wildly in strength, precision, and effect. Abilities can include but in are in no way limited to the ability to:
  • Slow time's relative passage for an object or objects
  • Accelerate time's relative passage for an object or objects
  • Send something backward along its personal timeline
  • Heal wounds by restoring flesh to a state prior to injury
  • See into the relative future
  • Slow or reverse the aging process
  • Sense an object's history by touch
Time travelers can manifest these abilities using special technology that allows them to focus the background radiation they naturally acquire during time travel. The more they travel, the stronger they become. Not all time travelers can harness every ability. In fact, most only really learn one or two, if any. Many never learn any. Ooh. That rhymed.

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