Before anyone guesses, no, this is not about the show Heroes, or the fact that it's apparently coming back. I never saw that, and word on the street is that's a bullet dodged on my part. And while we're on the subject of dodging bullets, let's talk about people who can never die, because, hey, I choose to go by an alias which directly invokes a mythological immortal fire bird, so that's probably in my wheelhouse, right?
Last post, I mentioned that Jon Stewart was my hero, and probably the most single most inspirational man I have ever seen on television. And in the general race, he's pretty dang high too. Not in the pot way, but in the... you know what I mean!
Anyway, I just thought I'd include a list of all of my heroes both real world and fictional and a brief explanation of why they're on the list.
Jon Stewart- In a world of shoddy news media, government corruption, and whatever the hell Fox News is, he was like a colonist from Planet Sensible who absolutely refused to stop reminding the residents of Bullshit Mountain what the mountain they chose to live on was named. Four nights a week for 16 years. Love this guy.
The Doctor- My journey with Doctor who is a bit of a wibbly-wobbly, timey wimey one, so I'll spare you the details of why he's my hero and instead sum it up with the sentiment expressed by Stephen Moffat. He doesn't have laser vision or super strength. He has an extra heart. He doesn't have a tank or a sports car or some kind of jet. He has a box that was designed to let people call for help.
Batman- Oh, Batman. Where to start with Batman. I suppose for starters, I could say the sheer badassery of a mortal man protecting his home from evil, and standing side by side with virtual gods among men is just chill inducing. I could say I sympathize and even empathize with a desire to protect not because you know you're wanted but because you know you're needed. Wherever I started, I would end by gathering all the Batman-haters of the world and displaying to them my officially unofficial Bat-Finger.
Captain America- I once made the distinction to someone that I am Batman but I wish I was the Doctor. Captain America is an entirely different beast. If I could somehow pick the person my children would choose as their role model, I would pick Captain America, hands down.
Mr. P- For the sake of his privacy I won't divulge his full name, but my high school economics/government/psychology teacher/track and cross country coach was one of the most motivational and inspirational figures in my life. He is exactly the kind of teacher I would want to become, and I can't thank him enough for everything he's done in my life. Cheers to you, P.
Mom- Oh shut up. I feel like I shouldn't even have to explain this one, I feel like the name says it all. And quite frankly, it does. She is undoubtedly one of my heroes and if you heard her story she would be one of yours too. And actually, I'm going to close with that. Cheers, everybody.
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