Sunday, June 29, 2014

Lazy Sunday Post: Alternate Alliteration Appellations

For those of you who care to notice that sort of thing, there's a small, blatantly obvious bit of alliteration in the description of the blog. It's a fairly short, vague description, since I really can't be bothered to do the professional thing and pick a theme and/or focus of this blog so early in its life span lest I preemptively limit my creative options.

There were a lot of rhetorical repetition runners-up though. Here were some of the others phrases I almost used to describe the blog:

  • The internet's home of wit, wisdom, and whimsy. 
  • An electronic entryway into eccentricity.
  • Freaks, free spirits, and the Finnish need not apply.
  • Making mindless men meet middle mark expectations since 2002.

Okay, so I was only really thinking of using that first one and just came up with the others to stall for space. Sue me.

No really, I dare you. Waste all your money on a lawyer to get blood from a turnip. I'm so broke, mosaic artwork once offered me bandaging. Zing!

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